Timely resources to help you and your family make the right decision.
The Wesleyan knows this is a very important decision for you and your family. We’ve put together some useful resources to help you get started. We are here to talk with you and your family any time if we can be of help.

Making the Decision
Is it time to move?
forbes.com article
Caring for Aging Family Members
aginginplace.org article
Aging in Place or an Independent Living Community
seniorliving.com article
Planning for finances
Financial Security
ncoa.org article
Financial Planning
seniorliving.com article
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
cms.gov site
Medicaid in Texas
texas.gov article
Social Security
ssa.gov site

Living healthy
Healthy Aging
ncoa.org article
Staying Active
healthfinger.gov article
Aging Well
helpguide.org article
Staying Socially Connected
everydayhealth.com article
Alzheimers Association
alz.org site
Aging in the United States
Leading Age
leadingage.org site
Leading Age Texas
leadingagetexas.org site
American Association of Retired Persons
aarp.org site
National Council on Aging
ncoa.org site